The Cycle Of Four Yugas

There are 432,000 human years in the length of kali yuga.

One Chatur-yuga (maha-yuga) is 4 yugas that are 4 million 320 thousand human years in length.

A Chatur-yuga (maha-yuga) is made up of

Satya-yuga ,

Treta-yuga ,



It is said that one half of Brahma’s life has already passed. We are living in the first day (the Varaha Kalpa) of Brahma’s second fifty-year period. The current year would thus be the year 5,123 of the Kali Yuga. Another 426,878 years are left to complete this 28th Kali Yuga of Vaivaswatha Manvantara. The duration of the material universe is limited. 

It is manifested in cycles of kalpas. There are two kalpas in a 24 hour day of Brahmā, one kalpa for day, one kalpa for night. One day of Brahmā consists of a one thousand cycles of the four yugas (called a Chatur-yuga or Maha-yuga),

 Satya Yuga,

Treta Yuga,

Dvapara Yuga,

Kali Yuga.

These four yugas, rotating a thousand times, comprise one day of Brahmā, there are no Maha-yugas in Brahma's night when he sleeps and a partial annihilation takes place. Brahma lives for one hundred of his years which is 311 trillion 40 billion human years and then he dies. The universe remains dormant and inactive for another 311 trillion 40 billions years until a new Brahma is born. By these calculations the life of Brahmā seems fantastic and interminable, but from the viewpoint of eternity it is as brief as a lightning flash.

In the Causal Ocean there are trillions of Brahmas rising and disappearing like bubbles in the Atlantic. Brahmā and his creation are all part of the temporary decaying material universes and therefore they are in constant flux."

The above calculation is clearly discussed in detail in Bhagavadgita in the 8th chapter.

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