There are few conditions in like exclusive worship of Krishna, done constantly, done with great determination, done with great affection. He puts these conditions actually He says that, since I am committing myself to you so much, then you have to show these commitments to me otherwise I'm not ready for a casual relationship. That he has very clearly mentioned in the BhagavadGita.
So, those people who have a habit of making casual friendship, mostly result based friendship, okay if I make friendship with this person, I would get this or I would get that, they are actually not for devotional service at all, they will get washed away. But those who enter into a serious relationship with Krishna, giving their hearts, giving their lives, giving their focus, giving their attention, giving their absorption and Krishna becomes their only goal, They are the people who line up to attain Krishna's lotus feet eventually, very soon.
So it is a fact that Krishna is the most magnanimous Lord, accommodating Lord, approachable and friendly Lord, sweet lord. It's all very true. At the same time, he has made his demands very clear in the path of pure devotional service. So therefore the chanting of the holy name can actually cleanse our heart, and elevate us to a point of attaining His lotus feet or we may chant and we may get stuck up because of not willing to pay the price what Krishna is asking in these verses of Gita, due to which we may have an Iron Curtain or a big blockage on the way, due to our own limitations and our own unwillingness to surrender.
Therefore, while studying about Krishna's magnanimous nature we also should study about the commitments and sincerity, seriousness, dedication that's required from our side, while taking to the simple process of chanting the holy name.
The first manifestation of the material world is technically known in transcendental metaphysical language such as, Kalam or Time. Everything measured in scale, cycles, numbers... Matches a limitation, growing or decreasing! The phenomenal manifestation of this and other universes, are all held in cycles, as well as the days, weeks, in these, years... are also in the same dynamics as cycles! We are all aware of the four seasons of the year, and we know that they are in cycles, periodicals, regardless of the tribulations, economical, social of the time, civilizations and their categories! Be these societies, primitive or sophisticated!
I'm talking about science, it's not about mental speculation or sentimentality. Anyone can see this data above! This science is the reflection of God, Bhagavam Krishna. One must dive into His scientific premise technically known as, Acintya-bhedabheda-tattva that is, he is simultaneously equal and different. All knowledge, regardless of who comes has an origin, and this origin is God. It contains everything, nothing is unknown to God! He is the fairest person there is! If a spiritual soul, in a human body, that strives and discovers, what was covered by ignorance, and reacts in a spontaneous, loving and devotional selfless way, He, God, is the first to say of the person's merit, and congratulating her. Yes! Yes! Merit is due, to all who strive, but power is always from Bhagavam Vasudeva Krishna!
I congratulate the merit of Shakespeare, Mozart, Newton, Socrates, Vince... And so many others, because they deserve the merit, for their efforts. But the power exercised by these is from God. He is the Origin of everything there is. Everything is under His laws! Among many, is the law of KARMA. In the Original Home, time doesn't exist. Variety is the mother of pleasure! Some, dipped in ignorant believe that the transcendental spiritual world is slow, almost stopping! They are wrong. Everything is full there, without any doubt of who the authorities are. Yes, the authorities, make the integrity of God, one looking two. Srimati Radharani is your beloved ever, femininity personified, pure love not contaminated. And he being the supreme Lord Krishna, never deviates from answering his love, and follow his eyes.
The Original Home is very dynamic! Everyone knows who God is, Bhagavam Vasudeva Krishna! In terms of gross comparison, here, all varieties of actions and pleasurable things, are limited, and insignificant compared to the Original Home
The above article is extracted from ISKCON and written based on my understanding. For my original thoughts on Lord Krishna please visit
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