Krishna's sweetness is wonderful, infinite and full. - Taste It

Seeing His own beauty, Lord Kṛiṣhṇa began to consider...

“My sweetness is wonderful, infinite and full. No one in the three worlds can find its limit. “Only Radhika, by the strength of Her love, tastes all the nectar of My sweetness. “Although Radha's love is pure like a mirror, its purity increases at every moment. “My sweetness also has no room for expansion, yet it shines before that mirror in newer and newer beauty. “There is constant competition between My sweetness and the mirror of Radha's love. They both go on increasing, but neither knows defeat.

“My sweetness is always newer and newer. Devotees taste it according to their own respective love. “If I see My sweetness in a mirror, I am tempted to taste it, but nevertheless I cannot. “If I deliberate on a way to taste it, I find that I hanker for the position of Radhika.” “Who manifests an abundance of sweetness greater than Mine, which has never been experienced before and which causes wonder to all? Alas, I Myself, my mind bewildered upon seeing this beauty, impetuously desire to enjoy it like Srimadhi Radharani.” 

The beauty of Kṛiṣhṇa has one natural strength: it thrills the hearts of all men and women, beginning with Lord Kṛiṣhṇa Himself. All minds are attracted by hearing His sweet voice and flute, or by seeing His beauty. Even Lord Kṛiṣhṇa Himself makes efforts to taste that sweetness. The thirst of one who always drinks the nectar of that sweetness is never satisfied. Rather, that thirst increases constantly. Such a person, being unsatisfied, begins to blaspheme Lord Brahma, saying that he does not know the art of creating well and is simply inexperienced. He has not given millions of eyes to see the beauty of Kṛiṣhṇa. He has given only two eyes, and even those eyes blink. How then shall I see the lovely face of Kṛiṣhṇa?

[The gopis said:] “O Krishna, when You go to the forest during the day and we do not see Your sweet face, which is surrounded by beautiful curling hair, half a second becomes as long as an entire age for us. And we consider the creator, who has put eyelids on the eyes we use for seeing You, to be simply a fool.” “The gopis saw their beloved Krishna at Kurukṣetra after a long separation. They secured and embraced Him in their hearts through their eyes, and they attained a joy so intense that not even perfect yogis can attain it. The gopis cursed the creator for creating eyelids that interfered with their vision.”

There is no consummation for the eyes other than the sight of Kṛiṣhṇa. Whoever sees Him is most fortunate indeed.

[The gopis said:] “O friends, those eyes that see the beautiful faces of the sons of Maharaja Nanda are certainly fortunate. As these two sons enter the forest, surrounded by their friends, driving the cows before them, they hold their flutes to their mouths and glance lovingly upon the residents of Vṛindavana. For those who have eyes, we think there is no greater object of vision.” 

[The women of Mathura said:] “What austerities must the gopis have performed? With their eyes they always drink the nectar of the form of Lord Kṛiṣhṇa, which is the essence of loveliness and is not to be equalled or surpassed. That loveliness is the only abode of beauty, fame and opulence. It is self-perfect, ever fresh and extremely rare.” The sweetness of Lord Krishna is unprecedented, and its strength is also unprecedented. Simply by one’s hearing of such beauty, the mind becomes unsteady.

Lord Krishna’s own beauty attracts Lord Krishna Himself. But because He cannot fully enjoy it, His mind remains full of sorrow.

The above article is extracted from ISKCON and written based on my understanding. For my original thoughts on Lord Krishna please visit


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