An Opportunity to Awaken Right Sankalpa

All the living entities are independently wandering in this world desiring to do their own thing. They don't want to align with the Lord's programme. But Lord has given a very simple programme. And Lord has not put any conditions for worshipping Him, because Lord is worried that if some very poor man wants to worship me, if I put conditions he may not have any facility to worship me. So the Lord has allowed you to do manas Pooja. In this way, the path of bhakti yoga is very simply performed with leaves (Tulsi), Flowers and water

All one needs is willingness, willingness to align with the Lord. Having a kind of willingness to make the determination, yes, I will worship Him, I will surrender to Him, I will attain Him. And He's the only person worthy of surrender. This type of determination, conviction should arise in the heart of a practicing devotee who has heard so much about the Lord, who has seen so much the material world around. So, if the right kind of determination is awaken then Lord is very easily obtainable.

The chanting of the holy name which we do every day is actually an opportunity, which is given for us to cleanse the heart to awaken this kind of sankalpa or determination, without awakening this kind of sankalpa, spiritual life would be simply eye wash. It will just be some superficial ritualistic performance. Therefore, after some time you see a person loses taste and loses interest, and goes away. And then he has something else in priority in his life. I want to do this, I want to do that. I want to try this.

Because he has not focused his attention on the simple instructions that Lord Krishna has given. He is right next to you to perform a little pooja for him, bow down to him, surrender to Him, align your will with His will. Such a very simple process. Please Krishna, engage me in your service. Please cleanse my heart. Please make me your servant. Please don't let me become carried away by the current of Maya. I'm your eternal servant. Please become my master in my life. I don't want to serve Maya anymore.

 That is a mood of this chanting of the holy name.

Service to Krishna is the eternal constitutional duty of the living entity. Forgetting his position the living entity becomes controlled by maya and forgets Krishna. From the time of the living entities forgetfulness of the Lord and entrance in the material world, his constitutional duty has become perverted." The more you become advanced in Kṛṣṇa thought, all the good qualities that were covered by the cloud of māyā will come out)

"So a devotee of the Lord Krishna is expected to have all good qualities. The more you become advanced in Kṛiṣhṇa thoughts, all the good qualities that were covered by the cloud of maya will come out. Good qualities are already there. Just like Kṛiṣhṇa has got sixty-four good qualities in full, and we are minute particles of Kṛiṣhṇa; therefore we have got also those good qualities in minute particles. But these good qualities are now covered. Just like fire is covered by the ashes, so it does not act. Although there is fire, but when it is covered with ashes, it does not act. So we are fire. Kṛiṣhṇa is fire; we are also fires, in quality. Just there is a big fire, blazing fire, and the sparks, the sparks are also fire. Therefore we sometimes desire to imitate Kṛiṣhṇa. Because we have got these qualities in minute quantity, so we think that, "I am God. I have become." But we do not know the quantitative difference. Now this quality, fire, this also becomes almost unseen when we are in this material world. Just like if the fire sparks fall down out of the blazing fire, it becomes extinguished. So in order to ignite again our fiery quality, we must go back to the original fire. Then the fiery quality, the brilliant fiery quality, will again be exhibited.

One of the 64 Qualities of Lord Krishna!


Although Krishna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead and is therefore not partial to anyone, it is stated in Bhagavadgita that He has special attraction for a devotee who worships His name in love and affection.


The above article is extracted from ISKCON and written based on my understanding. For my original thoughts on Lord Krishna please visit

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